Reparative Description

College of Charleston Archival Repositories Reparative Description Project 

The College of Charleston’s archival staff are committed to representing the contents and creators of our holdings accurately and respectfully. Despite these efforts, users may encounter offensive or harmful language in the College repositories’ descriptive records. Archival descriptions for collections processed in the past may contain terminology that is racist, sexist, oppressive, and/or exclusionary. It is our responsibility to review and repair offensive language and ensure that those represented in our holdings are respectfully and ethically described.

To learn more about our commitment to inclusive description, or to share feedback regarding oppressive terminology in our collection records, please visit the College of Charleston Archival Repositories Reparative Description Project guide.

MUSEUM TOURS: We offer self-guided tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30am-12pm and 2pm-3:30pm. Large groups limited 25 people or less per time slot.

ARCHIVES: Researchers must have a consultation BEFORE making a research appointment. Contact us in advance for further assistance.