Community Archives

If you are an individual or community who is interested in preserving their family, collective, and individual histories, here are some resources to support this effort.

On April 13, 2024, Manager of Archival Services, Aaisha Haykal and Processing Archivist, Georgette Mayo presented on Community Archives and Avery 101 at the Gullah Geechee Resource fair. Below is the link to this presentation and the self-assessment that they provided.

Community_Archive (Presentation, PDF)

CA_Assessment_Worksheet (Self-Assessment, PDF)

Viewers will be able to learn how to start their family archives, along with how to treasure, preserve, and interpret these records.

YouTube player

The Avery Research Center's archival staff are available to consult with community members, individuals, churches, businesses, etc., about their archival/historical records. Please use the contact form to email us or call 843-953-7608.

MUSEUM TOURS: We offer self-guided tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30am-12pm and 2pm-3:30pm. Large groups limited 25 people or less per time slot.

ARCHIVES: Researchers must have a consultation BEFORE making a research appointment. Contact us in advance for further assistance.