» Avery Hiring: Andrew Mellon Foundation “Liberatory Literacies” Grant Positions
The Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture is excited to announce two new positions for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-sponsored grant “Liberatory Literacies.”
Public Historian/Curator
The Public Historian/Curator, in collaboration with the grant Project Director for the Liberatory Literacies Project and other College Libraries staff, will lead the development and delivery of public programs, curate and develop digital initiatives, lead outreach efforts, and administer budgetary processes for the project.
Education Coordinator
Education Coordinator for the Avery and Liberatory Literacies grant will collaborate with the grant’s Director, co-PIs, and College Libraries staff in developing curricula, developing and organizing programming (in-person and virtual), and leading marketing and outreach efforts for the grant.